Jan. 12, 2023

14: Exposing The Food Cartel Playbook And Why It Matters with Calley Means of True Medicine

14: Exposing The Food Cartel Playbook And Why It Matters with Calley Means of True Medicine

In this episode of Outside The System, I spoke with Calley Means, the founder of True Medicine. We focused our conversation on the American industrial food system, especially how food companies manipulate government, institutions, and culture to...

In this episode of Outside The System, I spoke with Calley Means, the founder of True Medicine. We focused our conversation on the American industrial food system, especially how food companies manipulate government, institutions, and culture to promote their products. We also talked about how this same playbook is now being applied by the pharmaceutical industry to promote interventionist procedures over long-term health and prevention. 


If you haven't listened to it yet, the Outside The System episode with CrowdHealth's founder Andy Schoonover is closely related to this one. That episode focused more on the insurance industry's perverse incentives rather than the food industry but the topics are deeply intertwined. 


Quick disclosure: I made a small investment in True Medicine a few months back. So I have some skin in the game here.


Detailed show notes


  • Soda is the #1 item purchased on food stamps, which is obviously wrong (see stats below). $10 billion of food stamp money go to soda (the #1 item purchased). I was inside the room when Coke wanted to keep the status quo when the 2012 farm bill was updated for debate. Coke used a three-pronged playbook to rig the system: 
    • Millions to Civil Rights groups like the NAACP to call opponents racist. 
    • Millions to conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundations to buy studies. 
    • Millions to academic institutions to buy studies. 
  • There are some contemporary articles (from the NYTimes) outlining this in the Twitter thread.
  • This same playbook is being used today by food and pharma. 


The Impacts to Americans: 


The Rigged System (most of this is from the book Food Fix)

  • Soda companies spend 11 times more on nutrition than the NIH. 82 percent of independently funded studies show harm from sugar-sweetened beverages, but 93-percent of industry-sponsored studies said no harm. Sugar money hides behind names like the International Life Sciences Institute.
  • The American Diabetes Association has received millions from food companies like Coke and Cadbury. In previous years, the ADA logo has appeared on sugar-loaded foods such as SnackWell’s cookies and Snapple in exchange for these donations.
  • $111 billion spent on food stamps. 10% goes to sugar-sweetened beverages. 75% of the food bought on SNAP is processed food. Due to heavy lobbying from food companies.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics accepted millions of dollars from Coke. Same with the American College of Cardiology.
  • SNAP participants have twice the rate of heart disease, three times greater likelihood of diabetes -- account for 65 percent of medicaid. Politicians bought off by food say it is “personal choice.”
  • 80% of American subsidies go to corn, grains and soy oil. Amazingly, cigarettes (tobacco) receive four times more government subsidies  (2%) than all fruits and vegetables combined (.45%). This is all despite the fact that current government guidelines recommend 50% of the American plate is filled with fruits and vegetables. 
  • In the 1960’s a group called the Sugar Research Foundations donated $50,000 to Harvard Researchers to publish a study in The New England Review of Medicine saying sugar didn’t cause heart disease. The author, Fred Stare, started the nutrition department at Harvard. He and the department received nearly $30 million over his career for the food industry. The other author used this research to develop the US Dietary Guidelines that led to the food pyramid’s recommendation to cut fat and increase carbs/sugar. Lawmakers and regulators, bought off by food companies, held up Harvard research reports as they argued for these guidelines. 


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